Monday, October 7, 2019

Sustainnability through markrting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sustainnability through markrting - Essay Example While dictating a broad range of guidelines (both legal and quasi-legal) to the governments and the corporate sector towards exercising discretion and good-sense in their utilization of the natural resources for development, the idea of sustainability also carried an immense potential for marketing and image projection for organizations. Organization that have taken steps to assimilate the sustainability issues in their governance and policies are able to reap the benefits of efficiency in their processes, as well as garner an image of good corporate citizenship that’s priceless in terms of their brand equity. Organizations that continue to take a traditionalist view of their stakeholders’ aims as one of wealth or profit maximization are oblivious to the veritable goldmine of benefits that a sustainability-focused marketing strategy can bring. StoraEnso, an integrated paper, packaging and forest products company, is leading the way to success through its sustainability initiatives, and serves as an apt example under the present discussion. The paper giant is placed in an industry that is increasingly looked down upon for the adverse impact that its operations have on the environment. With environmentalists and local communities bitterly fighting against the felling of trees and the threat of ecological imbalance, and governments vacillating between the profitability and community pressures, the paper industry has more on its plate than just the need to streamline its operations. StoraEnso has however changed this threat into an opportunity – by promptly incorporating the social and environmental sustainability commitments into its vision and mission, it is able to make foray into newer markets in addition to consolidating its position as a market leader in the existing markets. Instead of observing the local communities as enemies and environmentalists as blackmailers, StoraEnso believes in acknowledging their concerns, and working with them as

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